Garden 1

The Suburban Farm

An Abundant Life

35 gardens, five chickens, two miniature donkeys, one lab, and a tabby on three acres!

Garden Features

  • Rock berms for water direction
  • Native wildflower areas
  • Contemporary lawn and hardscape
  • Butterfly garden
  • Fern garden
  • Raised bed vegetable garden
  • Succulent garden
  • Meditation garden
  • Labyrinth garden
  • “Mother” oak tree
  • Chicken coop and donkey pen
A colorful kalanchoe plant in the morning sun.

Garden History

Leafy green chard growing in a raised bed garden.

Katie Bird Farm is home to five chickens; two miniature donkeys; a rescue chocolate Lab, Sarge; a rescue tabby, Jax and 35 different gardens on three acres. It wasn’t that way when Kay Angermann and Julie Nelson bought the raw, undeveloped property in 2011. It took them a year to clear the property enough to see what they had to work with, removing more than 450 cedar trees in the process.

Home and garden construction began in earnest in 2013. Piles of rock dug up for their swimming pool were transformed into berms that separate major garden spaces. More berms were created when a massive flood wiped out their septic field and driveway, necessitating more digging.

Today, Julie and Kay’s vision is just about fully realized. Wildflowers anchor a “wild” natural area of the property. It stands in sharp contrast to the contemporary lawn and hardscape immediately surrounding the house. A butterfly garden gives way to a shade fern garden. Veggies in raised beds frame the side of a barn. Woody areas are offset by hundreds of succulent pots and plantings. A few of the gardens went through a post snowpocalypse transformation and are still in development. A beautiful new meditation garden has just been completed. And recently, through the generosity of two friends Harold & Stacy, the property now features an impressive labyrinth.

Succulent plants growing in a pot.
A peaceful shaded deck.

Two popular features are the chicken coop and donkey pen, always entertaining. A “mother” oak, the largest on the property, towers 30 feet into the sky, joined by nearly 30 more oaks throughout the acreage. Yard art and antique signs abound.

Kay and Julie love gardening. For them, gardening is an experience and a lifestyle. And, it shows. They will be featured on an upcoming episode of Central Texas Gardener.


Garden Address

8414 Indian Summit
Austin, TX 78737

Special Instuctions

Follow directional signs to the gardens.

Garden Gallery


Backyard chickens provide the benefit of pasture-raised eggs and serve as great composters of kitchen scraps.

Miniature Donkeys

Some donkeys are working animals, but they can also be great members of the family!

Eclectic Art

Gardens are a wonderful place to mix art from human hands with art from nature.


Succulents store water very well, allowing them to survive drought while still providing beautiful interest to the spaces where they grow.

Garden Pathways

Natural pathways bordered by plants like this plumbago help stimulate visitors to continue their exploration of the garden.

Meditation Area

Miscanthus grasses form a soft background to a tranquil area for relaxing or meditation.


Colorful kalanchoe plants are low maintenance and adaptable, making them a good choice for busy plant lovers.

Colorful Artwork

Colorful artwork can provide a burst of color to the garden year-round. Here a piece by artist El Federico draws the eye toward a mix of materials and textures in the garden.

Potting Shed

A potting shed can be a versatile and attractive outdoor workspace useful for planting, storage, or even as a greenhouse.

Vegetable Garden

Nothing tastes as good as fruit or vegetables taken directly from a home garden. Chard is a popular choice among Central Texas gardeners for its taste and antioxidants.

Succulents and Art

Succulents are a good backdrop for artwork. Art in a garden creates contrast to the living plants, but also provides textual difference and visual appeal, earning a garden even more attention.

Decked Seating Area

Decks high or low help create garden “rooms” that invite visitors to relax and rest. Never underestimate the therapeutic power of sitting quietly and watching a garden grow.

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Logo of Exaco Greenhouses in Austin, Texas.
Logo of Shoal Creek Nursery in Austin, Texas
Logo of Barton Springs Nursery in Austin, Texas.
Logo of Thrash, Carrol, Vanway Law Firm in Austin, Texas
Logo of Julie Nelson, Realtor in Austin, Texas.
Logo of Leaf Nursery, Austin, Texas.
Logo of Austin Concrete, Austin, Texas.
Logo of Taurus Irrigation in Austin, Texas